Swipe Book Plugin


In case you didn’t already know it, professional writers have been using swipe files to speed up their writings for decades.

Well, finally, there’s an easy way to turn out post after post for your Wordpress website or blog using the power of swipes, as opposed to spending hours on end in front of a computer agonizing over a blank screen.

And here’s where Swipe Book WP comes in.

Scroll down to learn more, or click the “Add To Cart” button to order your personal copy via PayPal.


A swipe file is a compilation of readily available information that you can quickly use to generate your own content.

They include email and other headlines, page starters, closings, call to action and a whole lot more.

Using other people’s work by the way.

While reading through other people’s blog posts or websites in your niche, for instance, you may find something that appeals to you: a compelling headline; a call to action on a sales page, etc, etc.

All you have to do is copy and add them to your own swipe file.

Not copying and using them “as is”, though.

No! You’ll need to reword or rewrite them: add your own style, etc.

But by having so much information (and inspiration) at your fingertips, makes it a whole lot easier to write, as opposed to staring at that blank screen forever in frustration.

Chances are you may already have a number of swipe files scattered everywhere–in Google Docs, your Evernote account or even in a Word document.

Or perhaps you’re looking to create your first swipe file from scratch.

Either way, where you need them is inside of your WordPress editor.

And here’s where Swipe Book WP comes in:

Supports 4 types of swipe files to help you create the most critical parts of any page.
Works on posts and pages, so you can write your everyday content or sales pages with ease.
Use for titles to craft click-worthy blog subjects that get shared.
Add calls to action for easy up-sells from any blog post–great for team blogs or for your VA to use.
Easy bulk import of your favorite swipes–just import a .txt file and your best swipes will instantly appear on the page.
On-screen editing of existing swipes makes it easy to tweak your content–no importing required.
No longer using a swipe? Click the delete button for instant clean up.
Have a standard closing? Put it in a swipe file and save all that typing!
Add unlimited swipes–perfect if you’ve purchased template files or want to include that great list of subject lines you’ve just found.

and more…

And so easy to install and use, you’ll wonder how you ever got along without it!


Swipe Book WP is delivered in a downloadable ZIPPED file. You’ll need an UNZIP utility and the Adobe PDF Reader to both unzip the package, and read and PDF file(s) included.

Most modern computers come with an unzip utility and you may already have the Adobe Reader installed. If not, use the above URLS to download them both, 100 per cent free.